of the Area (including event locations and hotels)
of all Long Island
To Amagansett in
NYC to Amagansett
From Points North to Amagansett
To Rehearsal Dinner
and Brunch
NYC straight to Rehearsal Dinner
the Driftwood and the Atlantic Terrace to the Rehearsal Dinner and Brunch
To Wedding
the Driftwood to the Wedding
From the Atlantic Terrace to the Wedding
By Train
Basic Directions
From NYC (2 1/4 hours) to Amagansett
- Go to 34rd and
- Take Midtown tunnel
out of NYC
- Road turns into
I-495 (the Long Island Expressway)
- Go East On I-495
for 63 miles to Exit 70
- South (right turn)
on Route 111 (at Mobil Station)
- Go on 111 for
about 4.5 miles
- Turn left (east)
on Route 27
- Go another 18
miles make left to stay on Route 27
- Stay on Route
27 for about 4 more miles (go through East Hampton) and you'll reach Amagansett
Directions from points North to Amagansett
- Take I-95 South
- Take the I-695
exit -# 7A- on the left towards I-295/THROGS NECK BR/LONG ISLAND
- Merge onto Throgs
Neck Expressway / I-695 S.
- Throgs Neck Expressway
becomes I-295 S
- Take I-295 over
Throgs Neck Bridge
- Bear right onto
Cross Island Parkway South (towards Eastern L.I.)
- Take Exit #30
to I-495 East (Long Island Expressway)
- Go East On I-495
(the Long Island Expressway) to Exit 70
- South (right turn)
on Route 111 (at Mobil Station)
- Go on 111 for
about 4.5 miles
- Turn left (east)
on Route 27
- Go another 18
miles make left to stay on Route 27
- Stay on Route
27 for about 4 more miles (go through East Hampton) and you'll reach Amagansett
Note: The
Cross Sound Ferry cuts over to Long Island from New London, CT for all
you Boston folks. I have no idea if it saves time or not, but you can ask:
(860) 443-5281 or (631) 323-2525.
Straight to
Rehearsal Dinner from NYC
- As you're leaving East Hampton
on Route 27 East, you'll see a windmill. Bear left just before the windmill
- You'll be on North Main Street
(Route 40)
- Go 1/2 mile and road will fork
- take the left fork and stay on Route 40 - which will now be call Three Mile
Harbor Road
- Go about 1 1/2 miles and the road
will fork again - take the right fork (and stay on Three Mile Harbor Road)
- Go about 3 miles and make a left
onto Flaggy Hole Road
- Go about 1/4 mile and at the fork,
bear left onto Maidstone Park Road
- Follow Maidstone Park Road past
a baseball field (on your left), towards the water
- Follow the road around a big circle
until you see an outdoor pavillion on your right
- Park and come join the party
Rehearsal Dinner/Brunch From the Driftwood Hotel [click
here for Expedia map]
- Go West
on Route 27
- Go about
9 miles (you'll pass through Amagansett)
- Before you
get to the windmill, make a right onto Old Accobonac Road (if you miss
this turn, go past the windmill and make a u-turn, coming back on North
Main Street)
- Go under
the train tracks
- Make a left
onto a little road with no name
- Make a right
onto North Main Street (Route 40)
- Go 1/2 mile and road will
fork - take the left fork and stay on Route 40 - which will now be call
Three Mile Harbor Road
- Go about 1 1/2 miles and
the road will fork again - take the right fork (and stay on Three Mile
Harbor Road)
- Go about 3 miles and make
a left onto Flaggy Hole Road
- Go about 1/4 mile and at
the fork, bear left onto Maidstone Park Road
- Follow Maidstone Park Road
past a baseball field (on your left), towards the water
- Follow the road counter-clockwise
around a big circle until you see an outdoor pavillion on your right
- Park and come join the party
Wedding From the Driftwood Hotel [click
here for Expedia map]
- Go West
on Route 27
- Go about
4.5 miles
- Left onto
Surf drive
- Go about
1/4 mile towards beach
- Turn right
onto Marine blvd
- Go about
1/2 mile
- 211 Marine
Blvd is on left
- For parking,
find a spot on the street or about 200 yards before the house is a beach
lot you can park in
Rehearsal Dinner/Brunch from the Atlantic Terrace [click
here for Expedia map]
- See directions
from Driftwood above - add 5 miles on Route 27
To Wedding from the
Atlantic Terrace [click
here for Expedia map]
- See directions
from Driftwood above - add 5 miles on Route 27
You can fly into
either Laguardia,
or Islip airport.
They're all on Long Island.
Islip is the closest, but it's a pretty small airport, so most carriers don't go there.
Laguardia and JFK
are about 2 and 1 1/2 hours drive away, respectively.
You can take the
Long Island
Railroad from Penn Station in NYC (at 32nd and 7th) on the Montauk line
to various stops in the Hamptons (you usually have to change trains at Jamaica
- just follow everyone else on your train).
You can take the
Hampton Jitney from
various places in NYC to various stops in the Hamptons. (631) 283-4600.